Monday, May 2, 2011

I’m Locked-in!

Last night I was taking a break from my final’s work- it’s amazing how many professor’s value quantity over quality –cough-Professor Lucas-cough- and watching The Dark Crystal. Towards the climax of the film I took a cell phone call about some breaking news. Osama Bin Laden had been shot in the face. The world knew instantly, minutes after it broke the NYT server wouldn’t load the story.  Apparently the entire web experienced some lag as global traffic surged. I’ve got some text mgs to punch out, so here’s what someone working for NPR found out about what happened:
If you want to know what Americans think of Osama bin Laden's death, don't bother turning on a television. Log on, instead, to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or a news blog.
*Wince* hopefully that’s a bit of irony given the next paragraphs:
There you will see that reactions are evolving at seemingly the same rate that these digital outlets are pushing out news of the U.S. military operation that finally took out the al-Qaida leader.
More than anything else, the first reaction seemed to be shock, then celebration and then temperance. For instance, the first post on NPR's Facebook page, by Candace Hill Sunday night, was simply "omg." The next, by Stephen Somogyi: "'bout time." As more news was reported, people expanded their opinions.
Omg, bout time for some real deep thinking before posting an opinion… so what were people saying when they had time to write expanded opinions? :
In response to celebrations in the streets of New York and Washington on Sunday night, Ryan Rooney on Monday cited a quote that he attributed to Martin Luther King Jr.: "I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." NPR could find no record of King having written or made such a statement.
Hmm, nice, but on par with Steven Colbert writing fake Wikipedia pages…so what happened here other than an echo chamber and instant gratification?  In terms of digital media… 
Twitter says bin Laden's death generated the highest sustained rate of tweets ever. From 10:45 p.m. Sunday to 2:20 a.m. Monday, users pecked out an average of 3,000 tweets per second, according to Twitter. The traffic peaked at 11 p.m. Sunday, minutes before the president's televised briefing, with 5,106 tweets per second.
Perhaps just as notable is that millions of Americans received the historic news not from Obama's televised news briefing Sunday night, but by text message, email and alerts from Twitter and Facebook, in many instances before the details had been reported by the cable television networks.
In the 20 or so hours since, social media have driven America's discourse about bin Laden's death, reinforcing the emergence of digital outlets as preferred sources of news for a rapidly increasing number of people.
As the movie wound down I asked one of my friends if I could use her computer to look up what Obama had said. She laughed at me. “bin Laden’s still dead.” Another friend chimed in, well aware of my somewhat obsessive relationship with newspapers, “he’s gotta know what’s happening, has to get his fix!” yup. Exasperated, I told them, “I’m locked into digital networks, and it’s like an addiction.” Funny, as they both already knew what Obama said thanks to their smart phones.
Yikes, maybe I ought to take another brake from blogging about this stuff.  

Dearest readers,

Sometimes people call me George and have their pet dragons drool on me until I write my blog
I’m back.  The first week I was gone you filled my email inboxes with millions of heartfelt cries for my flippant observations and dystopian proclamations. Thank you for the e-cards, and no; I had no part that WOW tournament- as far as I know it’s still going on, nor did I have any roll in the Playstation hack, or new Transformers movie. I may have been seen at "Sideshow," but for research purposes only.I stopped blogging because I needed a break for all the go-go-go content mill jam-jam -cram, you demanded of me. I went into the woods.  It was cold and wet; real and hungry.  I didn’t look at my email until today-so many overdue library books!-also, so many people in the library on facebook right now---I just counted ten in this computer lab alone.   By the second week of no blogging your angry emails and sympathy cards stopped filling my inbox.  There were suddenly no demands for my florid proclamations! Please come back!       

How will I ever communicate if no one reads my blog! I have more journals then Harvard, I don't wannta write for me anymore, oh dear readers, click out of your stumblefeed and read.

The Artist’s Revolt: The Perpetuated Lure Heresy

Here are some of my thoughts about why art will always be relevant to politics and life

Franco Berardi is wrong to think that art and poetry have been swept into the machine of semio-capitalism. Berardi correctly identifies that segments of both visual art and poetry have been co-opted by capitalism and thus have lost critical relevance, yet Berardi fails to recognize that there has also been a large amount of reflexivity in the arts responding to the heightened control exercised by capitalism and ignores the evolution of art after the development of Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism. Berardi’s ability to recognize the evolution of capitalism through the internet, but not of the arts, undermines the credibility of his argument. In this paper I will highlight this problem as it manifests in Berardi’s book Precarious Rhapsody and work to mitigate it by arguing that the internet has created niches, some of which are terminally infected with capitalism, others that are at war with it, and a full scope in between.  I will argue that art and poetry are in a struggle with semio-capitalism, and that artists have found new ways to express empathy and desire, even as capitalists have been able to commodify art like never before. In order to support this claim, I will draw on contemporary developments in poetry and the arts and will conclude that not only is art far from dead, but in some niches it is undermining semio-capitalism.
Art, poetry, capitalism and information dynamics have all changed since the turn of the Twentieth century, by extension and concurrently society as a whole has changed. Berardi makes a strong argument that the demands of semio-capitalism have infected society with mass ‘illness’ which people are attempting to treat with evermore products, this diagnosis is correct, but over extended. Instead of the psychotic homogeneous mass characterized by Berardi, Tiziana Terranova explains that the information age has lead to the development of a segmented and hyper-specialized population, she explains, “the rise of the concept of information has contributed to the development of new techniques for collecting and storing information that have simultaneously attached and reinforced the macroscopic moulds of identity” (Tarranova, 34).  In other words, the internet is creating a hybridized mass that is both homogenous and differentiated into enumerable niches, thus the decomposition and recombination of the mass is being facilitated by the internet. Berardi does not account for this segmentation of the populous. He instead suggests that under the banner of semio-capitalism society has become more uniform than ever. He uses art as an expression of the twisted unanimity of the world. This, despite enumerable contemporary examples of art and poetry which demonstrate that the art world is far from uniform, and indeed is rich with empathy, proclivity, and a healthy Avant-garde.    
Berardi argues that creativity has been captured by the market and by war and that the artistic expressions of the populous have become commoditized by the ignorant greed of capitalist puppeteers. He asserts that the commercialization of art has never existed as it does today and that this has been facilitated by the rise of network technologies.  Berardi links the transformation of art’s role in society to the success of the Futurist art movement in which Fillippo Marinetti called for the marriage of art and technology. Berardi argues that to an extent Marinetti’s dream was realized, he writes, “Thanks to the technology of the mass media, language is becoming the main site of social confrontation. Poetry, the language which creates shared worlds has entered the sphere of social change… in this sphere, poetry meets advertising and scientific thought meets the enterprise” (Berardi, 18). Language, both verbal and visual have become the means for expressions of revolution, yet language has also become the tool through which capitalism communicates.  Therefore, as art has been hijacked by capital, ergo all that language can convey is the message desired by capitalism: consume more.
With counter culture artists like David Choe splashing colorful murals over the walls of the Facebook headquarters, and street artist phonon Shepherd Fairy donating his talents to creating posters of the neoliberal Presidential candidate Barak Obama, it would seem that Berardi’s thesis about the capitalist capture of art is correct. Even artists who made their names pushing against the norms of contemporary society are complacent to functioning within that system, yet the predicate of this argument contradicts Berardi’s assertion. Although contemporary artists have worked within the capitalist framework, many of the most influential have made their names lambasting and critiquing that system.           
Berardi makes room for the proliferation of crucial art by claiming that art critical of societal structures is a symptom of society’s collective sickness. He argues that this can be asserted because art currently being produced is highly ironic and dystopian, he writes, “Only today, at the beginning of the twenty first century, does dystopia take center stage and conquest the whole field of the artistic imagination, thus drawing the narrative horizon of the century with no future (Berardi, 133).” While this diagnosis is so broad it can admittedly capture any counter culture movement within or oblivious to the art world, it is indeed too broad to account for the diversity of content currently being produced.  It is in the failure of Berardi’s platitudes that the argument of societal nichification gains credibility.
Contemporary art can be broken into several schools. To start there is the digerati wallpaper art of the action houses and biennale. This grouping adds credence Berardi’s argument of haywire capitalism stripping meaning from existence and arts compliancy to the process. Damian Hirst and Jeff Koons are the poster boys of this segment of the art world; both farm produce primarily shallow conceptual art and extradite as much cash as possible from the work. The artists have been able to create astronomical price tags for their art by extending the model provided by Pop Art, which was the tangled product of capitalism, society, and art, and oddly is never mentioned by Berardi.  Contemporary market art is primarily responsible for the pollution of corporate offices with multi-million dollar works and the massive bubble in the art market. Its essence can be captured by the investment banker Steven Choen paying $12 million for a rotting taxidermy tiger shark that Hirst spent $50,000 getting stuffed- sick indeed.        
Another segment of contemporary art is street art. The street art movement gained traction around the same time Warhol was pissing on rugs for gobs of money. The homeless outside artist Jean Michel Baptiste rose to fame through his graffiti around New York City in the mid 1970’s. Other outsider artists decorated the concrete and steel ant colony of the modern city with individualist expressions of self with graffiti tags. By the dawn of the twenty-first century this had evolved into the whole scale production of art in public places. Artists in this school like Banksy, Jef Aeosol, Swoon and Neck Face to name a few, have taken art closer to the masses, forcing people to confront it and it messages without paying to enter the elite white cube of the gallery.
There is no official dogma behind street art even as by default of its presence it criticizes the status quo. This complicates Berardi’s claim that art is more dystopian than ever before, especially when one considers the zeitgeist of two world wars imbued in surrealism and Dadaism, two movements that were relatively contemporary to Futurism. Take the latest street artist ‘it’ guy JR. The twenty-six-year-old, a member of Berardi’s connective generation, the generation that has allegedly learned more words from machines than from their mothers takes photographs of people living in periphery communities urban, slum, forgotten, and uses digital technology make massive prints of the photos.  He pasts the prints in the communities. The installations draw attention to the communities, compel people swap stories, ask difficult questions and challenge the status quo. In other words, JR’s installations of novel art are rich with empathy and desire, two touchstones of humanity that Berardi thinks are disappearing. JR says of his art, "It's about breaking down barriers…With humour, there is life” (Day, 1).
Berardi’s argument that all art today is more dystopian then ever is strange. He seems to have written the review without going the gallery. It is hard to imagine he could be completely ignorant to the feminist work of contemporary classics like Nancy Sparrow, whose art is reactive to the untenable masculine fantasies of the ilk of Marinetti, yet he seems oblivious, or at least too depressed to open his eyes. Thus far I have given the briefest snapshot of two rich schools of contemporary art and shown that art is has become segmented. Furthermore, there are status symbols that are being called art, but there is also relevant emotionally charged art being created in response to problems that can be linked to semio-capitalism. Before returning to Berardi’ arts elegies, his tandem attack on poetry must be addressed.         
Similar to contemporary art, Berardi believes the modernist vision of poetry as a revolutionary force has been realized, but co-opted by market forces. This argument is supported by discourses in the field of poetry, where more material than ever before is being produced, but readership has declined, and the entire field is seemingly marked by market forces. Ron Silliman captures development succinctly writing:
In short,  the rise of a professional caste of ‘specialized’, or more accurately, bureaucratized readers occurred precisely at the moment when a new set of dynamics, characterized by such concepts as market position, penetration, and share, began to reorganize the distribution of what had for a long time been a fixed output.  Thus corporate collaboration with the leadership of this new caste at least appeared to offer commanding control over the future of the market itself. (Silliman, 237)

The proliferation of new poetry and is astounding by any measure, but it is no longer part of the mainstream of artistic and intellectual life, it has instead become the specialized occupation of a relatively small and isolated group that is fed by a capital loop driven and arguably determined  by publishing houses.
The development of market driven poetry, along with the market use of poetic technique adds credibility to Berardi’s argument, yet there are still missed vistas.  Many poets may be writing toilet paper commercials, but because of market forces, more than ever before are able to create their art. Furthermore, Berardi provides no evidence that poetry was every mass consumed. Increasingly, the voice of poetry as a social force is being found in the lyrics of music, which are almost always written using a classic poetic technique. With the digitalization of music an individual can store millions of songs and with a click hear Freddy Mercury croon in iambic pentameter that he wants to break free. This development suggests that poetry as become more mainstream and accessible to the mass then everbefore.     
Once again Berardi’s argument that poetry, like art, has lost its ability to be meaningful is mystifying. He writes, “…when irony becomes a mass language, power loses ground, authority and strength. (Berardi, 21)” it may be true that when irony becomes mass languages it becomes meaningless, but this has not been realized.  Many contemporary poetic voices like Toni Morrison and Elizabeth Anderson are un-ironic and pointedly challenge contemporary norms, continuing the artistic tradition of sowing seeds for social change.
 Although a disturbing number of Marinetti’s ideals have survived, modernism was by no means the end of art as Berardi appears to gravely believe. Marcel Duchamp may have made everything art, and Marinetti may have called for the marriage of art and life, yet our poets are not writing in words in freedom as Marrintti espoused, nor are our most important artists creating purely conceptual work. Berardi writes, “Artists no longer search the way to a rupture, and how could they? They seek a path that leads to a state of equilibrium between irony and cynicism that allows them to suspend the execution, at least for a moment. (Berardi,135)” He is right to note that art has changed, but as I have showed, it is still relevant, artist are upsetting the equilibrium. They are not only cynical and ironic but they are also reacting to the development of hyper capitalism, they can and are creating beauty and their criticism is relevant. Berardi should take heed; art may be what can lead the way away from our diseased capitalist system.     
Were Berardi to dig around enough he might be able to identify more niches in the art world to support his claims, there are the fascinating digital artists like David Hockney , who are making art on entirely new mediums, the capitalist foe street artist’s like Mr. Brainwash who are capitalizing on the novelty of the form, and of course the artists writing toilet paper commercials. Were he to seriously delve into what has been happening in the art world rather than pontificating about what art should be accomplishing, perhaps artists would pay more attention to his necessary warnings about the health of the world and risks of semio-capitalism. As it is, ridiculous claims like, “By the beginning of the twenty first century the long history of the artistic Avant-garde was over” (Berardi,128). Strip his credibility. The implications of such claims are disturbing and extremely nearside.  Werner Herzog’s latest film The Cave of Forgotten Souls, reminds us that the production of art is fundamentally human. It is evocative of the human soul. Herzog’s exploration of cave drawing 32,000 years old, reminds the view that thought the glue may have dried on the seat of the Futurist Theater, art is not dead, nor will it die.  

Works cited:
Atlantic Monthly 5 (Apr. 1991). Collected in Can Poetry Matter? Essays on Poetry and American Culture  (St. Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press, 1992) 1-24.    
Terranova, Tiziana. Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age. London: Pluto, 2004. Print.
Beardi “Bifo” Franco. Precarious rhapsody Semiocapitalism and the pathologies of the Post alpha generation . London, 2009. Print.  
Web resources

Monday, April 4, 2011

Reformed Syllabus

The formatting got a little screwy here, but whatever, my comments and suggestions are unitalicized and are the result of  out-of-class conversations with a few peers concerning  how best to wrap things up. 

Requirements: subject to negotiation

Everyone is expected to prepare the assignment prior to class and participate in class discussion.  Attendance is a sign of engagement. Any student missing more than four classes will fail.  Students are encouraged to bring electronic devices to class, although they should not use them until specifically instructed to do so. No student will be admitted to class after 12:05. 

Students will need to be flexible--assignments and requirements are subject to change.
There will be three primary modes of assessment:

40%     Projects and participation (including blogs). These will be graded on a curve. (no curve)
            Students must have blogs with posts that comment on the readings. The best
            posts will be featured on the class blog. Students are also expected to comment
            on one another's blogs. (keep scrolling for conversation about blogs)

40%     Exams and papers. These will not be graded on a curve.

20%     Self-assessment. This is your final paper. In it, you give an account of what you've
            contributed to the class and what you've gotten from the class.  Bluntly put, you
            grade yourself and try to convince me that you deserve this grade.

Alternative grading rubric:
            30% -Projects
            30% -participation
            30% -exams and papers
            10% -self assessment
            5% -blogs

4/5      Group Projects:  Google
            “Back to Microsoft” (critique of google)
            “Society of the Query and the Googlization of Our Lives” 
            “The Googlization of Everything”

4/7      Group Projects: Facebook, Twitter,
            “The Viral Me”           
            “Twitter and Long Form Thinking”

4/12    Bifo, Precarious Rhapsody, chapters 1-3

4/14    Bifo, Precarious Rhapsody, chapter 4-8

4/19    Group Projects: Wikileaks
            “Contain This”
            “Twelve Theses on Wikileaks”

4/21    No class. Papers due in my office at 5:00 on 4/22. I will not accept late papers or electronic submissions. (We pick the paper topics 5- 8 pages )

4/26    Nicolas Carr, The Shallows, pp. 1-57

4/28    Nicolas Carr, The Shallows, pp. 58-143

5/3      Nicolas Carr, The Shallows, pp. 144-end

Final Exam: Saturday, May 7 at 1:30.

Group/personal project presentations during exam period – said projects in place of written exam

Should blogs still be a major part of what we get graded on?

Personally- I don’t think they should have a major impact on final grades- everyone has struggled to find a way to make their blog important, and for the most part everyone has failed. Reading over the blogs it’s clear that few if any get pleasure from writing posts, and deep thought is arguably rare. This suggests a problem, not with the class, nor their capabilities, but instead with the medium.  Blogging has proved an insufficient means for facilitating and gauging learning.  
Perhaps this is because students feel like they are floating in the vastness of the internet’s ether- hardly even tied to a blogipelago. Maybe the requirements are too loose. I don’t know, but whatever it may be, we have shown that blogs are not a good way for the class to respond; therefore they should not be weighted heavily to judge our understanding and explorations of digital networks.

We should ask why blogging has failed us- How are blogs any different then handing in response papers? Even as I argue that blogging has not worked for our class, it has served a purpose, giving us a window into the problematic nature of evolving media and it’s (potential) impact. Blogs should be, at most, 5 percent of our final grade, and everyone should pass for participating in the experiment of blogging- so long as they are able to reflect on it, and prove they have taken something from it.

In the future human blogging or snap presentations where students are given 5- 10 minutes to reflect on the reading/ or bring to light something apropos to the whole physical class might be more effective then the blogs. This risks limiting conversation to inside the classroom, yet it may be more productive and create a better exchange of ideas then the blogs. Maybe there could be an open discussion section of every class and students are required to have blog like conversations; it could be at the end of class so students could continue the discussions once the period is over.          

Furthermore, “Terminator II” and the PBS Frontline episode, “digital_ nation” should be incorporated in to the class.  

The final self assessment paper should be limited to no more than 5 pages
Blogs will be evaluated starting Monday, May 9, at 12:00 (noon)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kevin Kelly Writes another dull book; Gets flayed by Evgeny Morozov

I’m about to do you a great blog service; review a review.  In the process I’ll likely parse both authors and could mislead you, but hey, it’s a blog I’m having a conversation here so shut up and keep reading,; am sure you’ve got some other important posts to get to anyway (it’s so easy to be critical).   
Someone let Kevin Kelly, the Wired Magazine wunderkind, or as he apparently calls himself “senior maverick”, release another book called “What Technology Wants.” In the March New Republic Evgeny Morozov, who abandoned the digerati to herald the dark side of techno-utopianism, delightfully thrashes said book (subscription required). 
Kelly has some odd thoughts about evolution. Drawing stolen from Goolge images (which stole it from someone else).
It seems Kelly hasn’t just been updating the ‘about me’ section of his website, but has also been grubbing around in some network theory. The nut of Kelly’s latest work is that Technology has its own wants that are not inherent in individual technologies. Morozov, who just wrote a book called “The Net delusional,”  which sounds antithetical to Kelly’s work,  gives the impression that he can explain this better then Kelly writing,
Kelly believes that “Technology” gives rise to a “network of self –reinforcing processes” and is shot through with feedback loops, and exhibits a considerable degree of autonomy that is not present on the micro-level of individual technologies.
 Someone’s been reading  Tiziana Terranova and Jodi dean (other than me?)! Anyway, Kelly feels like he needs a new word to describe technology so he makes up “the technium” which is : “the accumulation of stuff, of lore, of practices, of traditions, and of choices that allow an individual human to generate and participate in a greater number of ideas.”  Morozov explains, in so many words, that this is stupid and that words technik or technology means the same thing.

Regardless, Kelly skips along telling readers that the technium makes life’s better, longer, fuller. Kelly writes that men (sic) should learn to trust and embrace technology as it is great and bigger than us, while providing the window dressing that we should think about it and avoid erecting too many walls against its evolution.

In so many words Morozov says Kelly is wrong.
Here’s a nice quote:
He exhibits an annoying habit of identifying contrarian threads in modern physics and biology, proclaiming them to be true- unlike all those ‘orthodox’ theories dominating modern science- and then using them as unassailable building blocks for his highly speculative theories about technology…At times his theory of technology reads simply like an overheated congeries of hot new ideas that are just too maverick to fit into over disciplines.

    Movozov also has some strong feeling about the unexpressed political undercurrents in Kelly’s work. Morozov fingers Kelly as an extreme right wing, uncritical laissez faire capitalist, who is unable to define what technology is not, has too much (political) faith in it, and a fondness for the all powerful potential of more choices.  

Movozov writes:
                In some sense, Kelly’s theory suffers from the same problem that Marxist critics long ago identified in Jacques Ellul’s work on the autonomy of technology: it exonerates capitalism, and absolves powerful political and economic structures from the scrutiny they deserve.

Only while Ellul had some good things to say, Kelly was totally misguided, Kelly according to Movozov, was just trying to drum up corporate cash.
A final note, drawn out in the article is Kelly’s thrilling chapter about the Unabomber Movozov writes:
Things do not follow as Kelly thinks they do. And the situation turns really comical once Kelly’s refusal to engage with the rich literature on the philosophy and sociology of technology pushes him to conclude that the person offering the sharpest critique of technology in our time is the Unabomber. Kelly praises his writing for exhibiting ‘surprising clarity’ and dedicates a long and tedious chapter to his opinions…

No wonder Kelly has thousands of eager readers! I bet Movozov picked up a few himself off the back of Kelly’s work and this article, but that’s probably a good thing.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

All I ask

How conscious are the efforts to frame issues like 9-11 in terms of capture and control? Also consider the use of technology for political means - what is the intention of the user and why?

Taken from "the internet"

Are the trends of nationwide surveillance sustainable, will there be reflexivity? How will people come to terms with it? 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ispy, IBM, Bodyfat and RoboCop

Photo of "Robocop" riding his steed through the south side of Detroit snapped by Alex Fugazi

Mark Andrejevic’s ispy has me intrigued.  He sounds like he’s got his finger right on the clicker. Off the bat his book opens by establishing a Foucauldian perspective of power (capture) and control, this framework is quickly buttered with observations about how the internet is felicitating societal shifts. The introduction (which is all I’ve gotten to read thus far) has some keen observations about the ramifications of digitalization.  
Broadening the consensus of others, he writes we have entered, “an era in which we are told that the consumer is being enthroned even as he or she is being put to work as never before. (15)”

Where this gets interesting is in the examples about where our submission places power, and how that will change our lives. There’s a discussion about how massive digital footprints are changing our relationships with business, self, and society.  Andrejevic is realistically worried.

Take two examples I saw yesterday: 

1.       IBM’s “science fantasy” commercials.  There a bunch of these; scientists acting as godlike maestros making technology come alive, baby monitoring systems that tell doctors (AND IBM) everything about the baby- so it’ll be okay. Sounds good. Who doesn’t love babies?
  While the first example seems sanguine, the sharp downside of our digital world is on the same blade. Take this NPR report about the latest wave of, dare I say- interactive- digital scales, which take focused readings (ie how much fat is in your arm) of bodies and automatically slaps them online. Not only does the scale company have that information to sell to fitness and whatever companies; but it can also be mined but anyone else online, I’m hoping Andrejevic’ll flesh this out a bit more… it sounds like some extreme bio-politics- stay tuned. 
  Here’s a transcript from some of the NPR piece. Note the reporter’s nervous question about “Robocop”
SPITZER: So then the question is how to keep track of all the data. That's where the latest Tanita scale comes in.
Mr. ERICKSON: This is called a BC1000.
SPITZER: Sounds like something out of "Robocop," just a little bit.
(Soundbite of laughter)
Mr. ERICKSON: It even looks that way, doesn't it? Because you look at it, and you say, well, it's a scale, I guess, but there's no display. We've provided the ability now for the scale to communicate wirelessly to some other device that's going to display your data.
SPITZER: That device could be a PC or a smartphone.
Another scale, by competitor Withings, can automatically upload your daily weigh-ins to Twitter. Yikes. The companies pitch these devices as ways to charge of your health...

Yikes indeed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Google Tells us How to Manage Each Other

Folks, I know my relationship with Google has concerned some of you. I admit, we’ve had our ups and downs, I’ve called Google a know it all and far too prying. Google says it just wants to help and even if it won’t smell the flowers with me, it’ll tell me everything I want to know about flora - including where I can buy it. I appreciate your worries, but will not be ending my relationship any time soon. We’re too close, and I know it sounds silly, but I don’t think I can live without Google.
 I’ve been typing to Google about this a little bit, and we’ve decided that the best way to make this work is if we keep things transparent. Google wants to know my worries so it can take care of them. I want to be able to discuss my uncertainties so you can help me cope. I know some of you are also close to Google, I think we can all be friends, but maybe just on facebook for now. .. we’ll see.
First item to Google today: “How To Be a Boss” the algorithms whirring along have be working on a lot of our problems. One of them, the NYT explains, is called project Oxygen. Oxygen spent the last two years figuring out the top eight traits of a good manager Adam Bryant’s only got as far as number three before drawing attention the absurdly of the study. Some highlights from the article:
“Have a clear vision and strategy for the team.”
“Help your employees with career development.”
“Don’t be a sissy: Be productive and results-oriented.”
The list goes on, reading like a whiteboard gag from an episode of “The Office.”
“My first reaction was, that’s it?” says Laszlo Bock, Google’s vice president for “people operations,” which is Googlespeak for human resources.
It’s comparable to Douglass Adams trying to answer the meaning of life with a computer answer=42 time to figure out= millions of years meaning= ? Bryant- probably a google user- tries to find an upside to Oxygen he writes:
  “In the Google context, we’d always believed that to be a manager, particularly on the engineering side, you need to be as deep or deeper a technical expert than the people who work for you,” Mr. Bock says. “It turns out that that’s absolutely the least important thing. It’s important, but pales in comparison. Much more important is just making that connection and being accessible.”
Project Oxygen doesn’t fit neatly into the usual Google story line of hits (like its search engine) and misses (like the start last year of Buzz, its stab at social networking). Management is much squishier to analyze, after all, and the topic often feels a bit like golf. You can find thousands of tips and rules for how to become a better golfer, and just as many for how to become a better manager. Most of them seem to make perfect sense.
Problems start when you try to keep all those rules in your head at the same time — thus the golf cliché, “paralysis by analysis.” In management, as in golf, the greats make it all look effortless, which only adds to the sense of mystery and frustration for those who struggle to get better.
That caveat aside, Project Oxygen is noteworthy for a few reasons, according to academics and experts in this field.
H.R. has long run on gut instincts more than hard data. But a growing number of companies are trying to apply a data-driven approach to the unpredictable world of human interactions.

Data-driven approach to human interaction= disconcerting.